Thursday, October 30, 2014

#30 : Using Progressbar with a purpose

Progressbar is simply achieved in Powershell with Write-progress cmdlet. This cmdlet can be used with below example -

Write-Progress -Activity "File-Copy" -PercentComplete 55 -Status "Something" -Id 1

Running the above command in Powershell prompt is not meaningful, it will not display anything. I saw so many articles about Write-Progess, but all of them are using a dummy example to use Progressbar, so I am presenting an example which will show you a real utilization of Write-progress.
Example of using Write-Progress

The example demonstrates the utilization of Write-Progress. In this example, we will copy files from a source location to a destination and we will display progessbar for this. The status of progressbar will show the status of task. It does not show the file-copy status of individual file, but it shows the percent status of file-copy task as a whole.
I will use SOURCE_PATH and TARGET_PATH variables and if you are testing it on your computer, you must change the path. For god sake, do not use a disk where operating system is installed and do not use a disk which has low disk space. Anyways, a professional will not do such mistake.

Isn't this easy to use Write-Progress in your other scripts!
Enjoy Scripting!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

#29 : Creating array in Powershell

Array is programming construct of most of the high level languages. It is meant to describe a collection of elements (values or variables), each selected by one or more indices that can be computed at run time by the program.

Declaring array is very simple in Powershell and there are multiple ways to achieve it :

1. Static Array

Array : Definition  
An array type is a data type that is meant to describe a collection of elements (values or variables), each selected by one or more indices that can be computed at run time by the program. Such a collection is usually called an array.
Array can be useful in your programming where you have to work on a collection of

Creating an Array in Powershell:

  1. $x=@()   
  2. $x += "Som"   
  3. $x += "Jack"   
  4. $x += "John"   
  5. $x += "Micky"   

Displaying and accessing elements of Array:
You can access each element of array with [<index_number>]. Square brackets enclosed in index number.
  1. $x[0]  
  2. $x 

Searching an element of Array:
Array plays important role in searching in Powershell. Let's see how?

Suppose we have to search if jack exists in any of index of the array, we can search it using below statement -
    1. $x -contains "jack"    
    2. $x -contains "xx"   
     So, you may use it in your scripts like this -
    1. if ( $x -contains "jack" )   
    2. {   
    3.     Write-Host "jack exits!"   
    4. }   
    5. else   
    6. {   
    7.     Write-Host "jack does not exits!!"   
    8. }   

    Deleting an Element from Array:

    There is no direct method which can be used to delete specific index from array. But below can be tried to search and delete specific value from an Array -
    1. clear   
    2. $x=@()   
    3. $x += "Som"   
    4. $x += "Som"   
    5. $x += "Som"   
    6. $x += "Ravi"   
    7. $x += "jack"   
    9. Write-Host "Before Deleting element named 'jack' - "    
    10. $x   
    12. $x = $x | where {$_ -ne "jack" }   
    14. Write-Host "After Deleting element named 'jack' - "    
    15. $x  

    Array is one of the basics of any Programming language. There are numerous other ways to create Array in Powershell.


    #--Static Array --#


    $x1 = (1,2,3)


    #-OR- Write like below --#

    $x = 1 ,2 ,3

    echo "#--Just writing $x shows all elements --# "


    echo "#--Onliner to print all elements of array --# "
    $x | foreach { echo "Element - $($_)"}

    echo "#--Display all elements using foreach --# "
    foreach ( $i in $x )

    echo "Element - $i"

    echo "#--Display all elements using for loop --# "

    for ($c=0; $c -lt $x.Count; $c++)

    echo "Element[$c]- $($x[$c])"

    $y = 1 , "Som" , "Testing" , 3


    echo "#--Add two arrays --# "
    $z = $x + $y


    echo "#--Substract elements of one array --# "

    #--Below does $y -$x --#
    $n= $y | where { $x -notcontains $_ }

    echo "#--Range --#"

    $m = 1 ..6

    echo "--Adding elements to array--#"

    $Arr = @()
    $Arr += "Check-1"
    $Arr += "Check-2"
    $Arr += "Check-3"
    $Arr += "Check-4"


    echo "--Create Multi-dimensional Array 4x4--#"

    [string[][]]$md = @( (0,0,0,0) , (0,0,0,0), (0,0,0,0), (0,0,0,0) )



    echo "------------"



    echo "------------"



    echo "------------"



    #--Formatted display of 4x4 multi-dimensional Array--#
    echo " "
    echo "+---+---+---+---+---+"
    echo "| | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |"
    echo "+---+---+---+---+---+"

    for ( $a=0; $a -lt 4 ; $a++)

    echo "| $a | $($md[$a][0]) | $($md[$a][1]) | $($md[$a][2]) | $($md[$a][3]) | $($md[$a][4]) "
    echo "+---+---+---+---+---+"























    #112: How to handle xml document in Powershell?

     In PowerShell, you can handle XML data using various cmdlets and methods provided by the .NET Framework. Here's a basic guide on how to...