Monday, October 23, 2017

#91 : How to export SQL Server table to JSON?

JSON stands for Javascript Object Natation. It has become a standard format to exchange and store data since when Big data revolution has begun. It is now used in several languages to exchange data. In Powershell, we have cmdlets: ConvertTo-JSON that can be utilized for converting a .NET object to a JSON format output.

Below is the complete demonstration:

Creating a table for the example: 
Before we export the data, let's create a table with some data into it. Below example creates a table named Employee and adds two rows only. 

create table Employee ( EmpID int, Name varchar(200)) 

insert into Employee values ( 1 , 'Som Tripathi' ) 
insert into Employee values ( 2 , 'Ostwald' ) 

select * from Employee 


Now we can continue with the script that exports the columns in JSON format.

Reading from SQL Server instance and convert to JSON: 

To be able to read data from SQL Server table, you must have a table name and running SQL Server instance. I assume you have a database called db123 and server named SQL123\TST1.


#--Exporting SQL Server table to JSON --#


#--Establishing connection to SQL Server --# 
$InstanceName = "SQLTEST1\ENG_TST1"
$connectionString = "Server=$InstanceName;Database=dbadb;Integrated Security=True;"

#--Main Query --# 
$query = "SELECT * FROM Employee"

$connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$connection.ConnectionString = $connectionString

$command = $connection.CreateCommand()
$command.CommandText = $query

$result = $command.ExecuteReader()

$table = new-object "System.Data.DataTable"


#--Exporting data to the screen --# 
$table | select $table.Columns.ColumnName | ConvertTo-Json



The example is written in a simple manner, you may enhance and create function out of it.

While you are about to export a very large table (with size more than 1 GB), try to perform the task in batches. This will help reducing the memory consumption. You can create a view or modify the query to perform this task and if you have a unique column, your task will be more simpler.

Thanks for reading this article. Please do add some comments if you find any difficulty understanding the script. 


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